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Offering / Payment

1) 請勿使用Facebook瀏覽器進入信用咭或PayMe平台付款或奉獻,否則系統將無法自動發出電郵收據。​

2) 無論以何種方式奉獻/付款,請清楚列明 (i) 奉獻者/付款者姓名、(ii) 手提電話號碼、(iii) 電郵地址、(iv) 奉獻/付款項目。

3) 本會將根據所提供的奉獻者姓名、聯絡方式發出收據。如未能提供完整及正確資料,本會將無法發出收據。超過6個月的不明存款將不獲發奉獻收據。

Points to note for making an offering/payment:
1) Do NOT use Facebook browser to access credit card or PayMe platforms to make payment or offering; otherwise, the system will not be able to issue an official receipt by email automatically.

2) Regardless of the offering/payment method used, please specify information including (i) name of donor/payer (ii) mobile phone no. (iii) email address (iv) the item to which the offering/payment is made.

3) Offering receipt is issued according to the name and contact information provided by the donor. We may not be able to issue a receipt if you do not provide complete and correct information. No offering receipt will be issued for any unknown deposit after 6 months."

其他付款項目 Other payment item

適用於繳付所有收費活動 (如動教會)
Applicable charges of all activities (e.g. mobile church, prayer walk)

1) 請勿使用Facebook瀏覽器進入信用咭或PayMe平台付款或奉獻,否則系統將無法自動發出電郵收據。​

2) 無論以何種方式奉獻/付款,請清楚列明 (i) 奉獻者/付款者姓名、(ii) 手提電話號碼、(iii) 電郵地址、(iv) 奉獻/付款項目。

3) 本會將根據所提供的奉獻者姓名、聯絡方式發出收據。如未能提供完整及正確資料,本會將無法發出收據。超過6個月的不明存款將不獲發奉獻收據。

Points to note for making an offering/payment:
1) Do NOT use Facebook browser to access credit card or PayMe platforms to make payment or offering; otherwise, the system will not be able to issue an official receipt by email automatically.

2) Regardless of the offering/payment method used, please specify information including (i) name of donor/payer (ii) mobile phone no. (iii) email address (iv) the item to which the offering/payment is made.

3) Offering receipt is issued according to the name and contact information provided by the donor. We may not be able to issue a receipt if you do not provide complete and correct information. No offering receipt will be issued for any unknown deposit after 6 months.

異象Vision 2030

新曙光十年異象是要在列國建立十間使徒性中心; 每3年支持20位宣教士接受差派至列國; 推動祈禱及門徒倍增運動; 培訓青年人包括聘請青年導師及資助青年人接受訓練及教育。

Building 10 Apostolic Centre around the world. Support for 20 missionaries to be sent to different nations each year every 3 years. Promote Prayer & Disciple Making Movement. Sponsor young people training and education, including hire youth pastor.

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