Spiritual Fitness
Prepare yourself to welcome the second coming of Christ
Spiritual Fitness is a spiritual training school that works with all churches to equip disciples to welcome the second coming of Jesus.
We understand that in the spiritual growth process of the bride of Christ, advanced preparation can help the maturation of their life growth, deepen their knowledge of God and relationship with God. It also helps to explore and develop their spiritual gifts and starts to serve. Spiritual fitness courses can help your small group and organization to make advanced spiritual preparation to be the bride of Christ.
Courses include: prayer, healing and deliverance, prophetic, worship, spiritual warfare, development of spiritual gift and practice, intimacy with God.
You can get all these preparation with just a monthly fee. Join now and equip yourself together with your group members and brothers and sisters!
破除家族咒詛、承受祝福 (中國)
Started Jan 10
全科费用:$1500 早鸟优惠$1200生命中醫治 III 醫治釋放步驟
Starts Feb 4
1,200 Hong Kong dollars屬靈爭戰 行區祈禱將領裝備
Started Jan 4
880 Hong Kong dollarsEnded
500 Hong Kong dollars破除家族咒詛、承受祝福
Started Jan 10
全科费用:¥1200 早鸟优惠¥900導師: NATALIE 時間: 逢週一早上 (或另議時間) 對象: 針對想成為教會敬拜主領、熱愛唱教會詩歌者
費用:$800 / 4堂 (每堂1小時)聖經查考班系列(一級):使徒行傳(宣教使命)
Started Jan 16
580 Hong Kong dollars內容: 先知性啟示禱告服事 在禱告中,聆聽神的啟示與心意,明白神在你心中的美好旨意。