Spiritual Fitness
Prepare yourself to welcome the second coming of Christ
Spiritual Fitness is a spiritual training school that works with all churches to equip disciples to welcome the second coming of Jesus.
We understand that in the spiritual growth process of the bride of Christ, advanced preparation can help the maturation of their life growth, deepen their knowledge of God and relationship with God. It also helps to explore and develop their spiritual gifts and starts to serve. Spiritual fitness courses can help your small group and organization to make advanced spiritual preparation to be the bride of Christ.
Courses include: prayer, healing and deliverance, prophetic, worship, spiritual warfare, development of spiritual gift and practice, intimacy with God.
You can get all these preparation with just a monthly fee. Join now and equip yourself together with your group members and brothers and sisters!
課程簡介: 生命中醫治分三個系列開課,第一、二系列的訓練分別是以10堂教導,課室內操練禱告,每期三個月內完成。課程透過具體的聖經知識,幫助學...
Started Jul 16
880 Hong Kong dollars逢星期 三至五 時間: 下午1:00 - 2:00 費用:自由奉獻
本課程提供一個具有聖經基礎及有系統方式去查考新約聖經。能幫助學員掌握聖經新約內容及強調基礎應用。為著預備各弟兄姊妹進入五重職事之事奉領域 –...
Started Aug 8
250 Hong Kong dollars本課程提供一個具有聖經基礎及有系統方式去查考新約聖經。能幫助學員掌握聖經新約內容及強調基礎應用。為著預備各弟兄姊妹進入五重職事之事奉領域 –...
Started Aug 8
250 Hong Kong dollars破除家族咒詛、承受祝福 三天營課程大綱: 1)處理自己的生命 2)處理配偶的生命 3)處理不敬虔的魂結、連結
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From 900 Hong Kong dollars在末世日子,聖靈的風大澆灌,神正在興起一班愛祂委身於祂的,懂得先知性敬拜,揮旗,吹角,為祂國度爭戰的新婦戰士,預備榮耀君王耶穌基督的道路,迎...
4,000 Hong Kong dollars內容: -為城市禱告 -高處祈禱 -屬靈繪圖 -行區祈禱 -地域性的教會 -祈禱盾 -爭戰的武器:與神親密的生命 -鬼魔祭司在教會中的挑戰 ...
880 Hong Kong dollars《保羅生平及書信》,共三冊),以教導保羅書信為主題,並詳細介紹他的生平和宣教旅程,讓我們仔細地能進入保羅的宣教之旅,是所有有心志宣教的弟兄姊...
Started Aug 7
200本課程提供一個具有聖經基礎及有系統方式去查考新約聖經。能幫助學員掌握聖經新約內容及強調基礎應用。為著預備各弟兄姊妹進入五重職事之事奉領域 –...
Started Aug 4
250 Hong Kong dollars本課程提供一個具有聖經基礎及有系統方式去查考新約聖經。能幫助學員掌握聖經新約內容及強調基礎應用。為著預備各弟兄姊妹進入五重職事之事奉領域 –...
Started Aug 8
250 Hong Kong dollars逢星期三至五 時間: 下午1:00 - 2:00 (公眾假期休息) 費用:自由奉獻