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異象Vision 2030

新曙光十年異象是要在列國建立十間使徒性中心; 每3年支持20位宣教士接受差派至列國; 推動祈禱及門徒倍增運動; 培訓青年人包括聘請青年導師及資助青年人接受訓練及教育。

Building 10 Apostolic Centre around the world. Support for 20 missionaries to be sent to different nations each year every 3 years. Promote Prayer & Disciple Making Movement. Sponsor young people training and education, including hire youth pastor.

異象Vision 2030

(1 ) — 入賬方法 Bank-in method

恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank:385-337373-002
恒生轉數快 Hang Seng FPS:7290638

請保留入賬記錄 Please keep your bank-in slip Whatsapp 5147 2247
《Please specify “Vision 2030”, full name, email address and contact no.》 

(2 ) — 支票方法 Cheque
支票抬頭 Payer:
新曙光事工有限公司 Sunrise Ministry Limited

郵寄地址 Postal Address:
九龍佐敦廟街239號八福匯16/F., Hub 8, 239 Temple Street, Jordan, Kowloon

Please specify “Vision 2030”, full name, email address and contact no. at the back of cheque. 

(3 ) — 信用咭 Credit Card/PayMe​

請點擊以下連結 Please click:

如需協助,可於週一至週日 上午9:00 至 下午6:00,與我們聯絡:
If any assistance, please contact us on Monday to Sunday at 9:00am to 6:00pm.

辦事處電話 Office Tel:(852) 2332-8361
流動電話 Mobile No.:5147-2247 (WhatsApp)

我們的網站 Our Website

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